TRANSMISSION is BasketShop’s celebration event for circuit-bent and electronic instrumentation in Cincinnati. For our third annual TRANSMISSION event, we are pleased to introduce John Hardig’s interactive and generative sound pieces, and promote his local business, TREASURETRONICS.

In his gallery installation, John Hardig aims to convey the notion that emotions and ideas are not only expressed through the generative sounds one hears but also through the instruments that produce those sounds. He perceives music as one of the greatest gifts to humanity, capable of evoking powerful emotional responses. John believes that creativity is an abundant and accessible energy source for everyone. He emphasizes the spirituality and faith inherent in the creative process. He sees the act of creating as an engagement with the elements of electricity and current as a deeply spiritual endeavor that connects individuals to a higher power or transcendent experience.

John Hardig is a native Cincinnati West Sider. During his early years, he developed an interest in music, starting with piano lessons and later exploring synthesizers and electronic instruments. He found joy in the process of sound design and electronic music, which influenced his artistic journey. Taking influences from artists and sound producers like Nam June Paik, Wendy Carlos, Herbie Hancock, Devo, Bob Moog and Brian Eno.

In 2021, John Hardig, together with his wife RaeJean and their children Jack and Audrey, embarked on a new venture by opening TREASURETRONICS, an electronics store and synthesizer shop on the West Side of Cincinnati. The primary mission of TREASURETRONICS is to promote and support musicians, artists, and individuals with an interest in electronics.

TREASURETRONICS serves as a vital pillar in the community by providing a supportive and enriching space for musicians, artists, and electronics enthusiasts. Through their comprehensive selection of synthesizers and electronic equipment, the shop empowers individuals to explore their creative potential and expand their artistic horizons. Additionally, TREASURETRONICS fosters a sense of community by hosting events, workshops, and collaborative projects that encourage knowledge sharing, skill development, and creative exchange. By promoting and supporting local talent, offering resources, and cultivating an atmosphere of collaboration and inspiration, TREASURETRONICS plays a pivotal role in nurturing and uplifting the artistic community of Cincinnati, ultimately enhancing the cultural fabric of the area.

treasuretronics business logo

BasketShop is a 501c3 Non-Profit organization

Consider donating to help us in bringing innovative cultural programming to the South West Ohio region

3105 Harrison Ave | Cincinnati, Ohio

Hours:Fri-Sat: 1-6pm

To Schedule a viewing or tour please send us a message.

Travel to BasketShop

(from Northside – Chase and Hamilton) … 3.9 miles

(from Fountain Square – 520 Vine St.) … 7.5 miles

(from University of Cincinnati – Clifton) … 5.7 miles

Bus Routes - #21 & #41